Thursday, 25 November 2021


To question the assumptions in the question: is the UK that attractive? Turkey has three million Syrians, Australia is 10% non-White, France has over a quarter of live births to plenty both born outside the country, the States is overrun with Mexicans. So ask instead why are so many people on the hoof. It isn't, then, our wonderful culture of tolerance and welcome, nor our lax border patrols, is more the desperate push factors of I.possi ility to survive in the Sahel or Iraq and the pull of paid work and a future in the developed world 

It's not just the African continental shelf pushi g into Europe, itsall the people aboard to. At least China and S E Asia isn't trying to move in..

"We're over here because you were over there". Our colonial past, language that they'll have learnt in school, family and community ties.

Then there's availability of work. Not welfare benefits except for legit. migrants, I wouldn't think. These young men want to work. France is a very racist country, UK locals welcome in the illegals - there's no movement opposing them, which I find strange as I'd be out there with my rifle. 

And the hard left political elite genuinely want to break society apart and admit the migration wave whole, I cannot understand why ... what has happened to those who believe in nation, culture and family? Even though massive and unplanned immigration puts us all into third world lifestyles (housing, welfare, education, infrastructure).

Maybe decent people have given up and frankly the Woke have so confused most people and glued their mouths shut lest they be labelled white racist supremacist.
As you say intl liberal capitalists are complicit, but so is the political class (govts) as population is just what you need to increase GDP of a country's economy (not that individuals benefit of course) and reduce debt. 

And remember that the power of a nation is the multiple of the population number times the wealth, putting it simply.

Who wants to take up cudgels and lose their job and be mocked and for nothing as you'll never make headway, the Indians have the wagons completely surrounded, IT'S TOO LATE MATE. Just get on with it, replace our culture, allah wakbah humbug.

Not sure either that the UK has such a generous asylum regime, to judge by UK well down the intl list. But that's for legals. The trouble is the coven of lawyers that stop the illegals being flown back, and the cost.

I said many years ago we would mine the Caucuses and send out fighter jets to Harry and strafe retreating illegals. There is no other answer to flows caused by poverty and climate change and brutal regimes.

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