Monday, 22 November 2021


Already a pb in English, in the French language - which is more heavily gendered - this Woke recognition of identity is a real pb.


In Fr, you have il or elle and there isn't a neutral "it".

To not hurt feelings of the sensitive, you say "iel". This recognises that the person is not just a biological unit, but also has many other dimensions of which gender, not sex, is one.

But now what ... do you say "iel est belle", or "iel est beau"? Or do you need new forms for all adjectives?

When you consider that 22% of youth 18-24 do not identify as il or elle, according to survets, that's a problem (that maybe they'll grow out of?).

But is this the real concern? Or are people, especially younger voters, more concerned with the great warming up of our planet and, possibly older voters, the great replacement of our civilisation by another?

There is so much fundamentally structuring items in our lives that are changing, that perhaps we can say, with data and without drama, in agreement with SAGE and scientists more widely, that this epoch, call it the modern world, is now finished and we must find something else. 

Now, it is not just about daunting changes in the grammaire, not just about respecting individuals whatever their background, now we have to find ways to deal with end of the modern world and help the planet and our species to survive, find ways to secure our borders and deal with migratory flows, find ways to identify unambiguously who we are and protect our civilisation, while keeping good relations with neighbours and others, on whom we depend, in an interlinked world, without breaking social cohesion at home.

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